KleenLine Pro Enzyme Cleaner & Odor Eliminator, 1 Gallon, 4 per case


Naturally Cleans & Eliminates Odors at the Source - A sophisticated bacteria enhanced acid-free cleaner that cleans and eliminates odors at the source. Naturally eliminate foul odors caused by urine, vomit, feces, etc. Safe for any surface not harmed by water. Enzyme Cleaner & Odor Eliminator is water activated and continues working long after product has been applied. Ideally suited for restorative & daily maintenance of high traffic restrooms, outdoor stairwells, loading docks, artificial turf, dog runs, carpeting or anywhere sticky or foul organic material is present and odor elimination is priority.

Features & Benefits

• Effective - Acid- free enzyme enhanced cleaning formula effective of surfaces not harmed by water

• Neutralizes odor

• Ready to use

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